Ciorhan family

      Ciorhan Vlad was born on the 7th of May 1998 and Cristian was born on the 7th of January 2000 in Piatra Neamt. Their family had a lot of social problems - alcoholism, violence, poverty.

         The family was constituted in 1991 and had over the time 5 children. This family had big problems even from the start with violence and different conflicts so 3 of the children were given away to foster home, one child was placed in a center called Romanita and the oldest daughter stayed at home with the parents.

         The Ciorhan's house had 2 rooms without furniture and very dirty with no electricity.

          On the 12th of August 2003 the mother was killed by the father when he was under the influence of alcohol. 

Baroi Madalin


        Madalin was brought in Dobreni village, Neamt county, at a relative who promised to raise Madalin and take him to the local school. He comes from a family with 6 children ( one is dead ) and the father died in 2007. Madalin remembers how his father was feeling very bad, he went to the hospital and came back dead.

         The relative that was supposed to take care of Madalin contacted us to accept Madalin in our Day Care Center. His mother agreed.

Anton Mihaela and Alexandra

           Mihaela Anton was born at the 4th of May 1994 and Anton Alexandra was born at the 3rd of February 1998 in Targu Neamt.

           Mihaela and Alexandra come from a legally constituted family ,in 1991 then the parents divorced in 1995 when Anton Andrei was in jail for theft. The mother had 2children with Anton Andrei : Anton Romulus who died in 1995 and Anton Mihaela . With Tudose Tudorel she lived outside the marriage and had 2 children Anton Delia and Anton Alexandra. The father was arrested for murder so the girls remained with the mother.
