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Event in June-July 2021

          Good to see you again, dear ones! We hope you are well and healthy.

          At Casa Ray, with God's help, in the months of June and July, even though we went through some more difficult moments in terms of health, we overcame them all well. Ionela Matei (picture 1) was hospitalized for a week, being suspected of appendicitis, and the other children had to overcome an epidemic of enterocolitis, which "haunted" the whole country.

          As I said, we thank the Lord that now, at this time, we are all well.

          This period of 2 months, started with a holiday, on June 1 we celebrated CHILDREN'S DAY! Special thanks to our friend Heike Kunze, who together with her friends organized a small party for children with balloons, sweets, fruits and juices, exactly what children love the most. They felt pampered, and Father Mihai said a blessing prayer for them, which is very precious! (pictures 2-5)

          Also at the beginning of June, the insulation project of the Ray House buildings was completed. Many thanks to the friends in America who made it possible to solve this problem. God reward you and we can't wait to meet you in the new environment of the Ray House :) (pictures 6-8)

          Doinita graduated well the 12 classes, with the help of the Lord she passed the baccalaureate exam with flying colors, and we give Glory to God for her success. Congratulations, Doinita! (picture 9). Other children of ours also received good results at school and diploma, so we congratulate them as well! (picture 10)

          We are happy to announce that during this period, the Ray House family has grown with 6 more souls, three pairs of 2 brothers / sisters. The first were Linguraru Beniamin (7 years old) and Loredana (8 years old), then Muraru Ana-Maria (15 years old) and Alexandra (8 years old), and the last, Bujor Mirabela (14 years old) and Cosmina (15 years old). We hope that in their new home, God will comfort their wounds and show them a new path that they can walk happily in their hearts. (picture 11)

          Another important event for the House of Ray was when 4 of our young people (Ionut, Madalin, Nicu and Dumitrita), together with nephew Markus decided to declare in the water of baptism that they believe in God and want to follow Him all their lives. We are glad that these young people have found true happiness, which is only in Christ. May God give them strength and victory in this way they have set out. After this event, we enjoyed a special lunch with some of our friends. (pictures 12-18)

          We would like to thank all those who took care of the needs of the children at Casa Ray and sent them the necessary items, such as clothing, shoes, food, furniture and more. Their donations always bring us great help and relief, both to us and to other disadvantaged families that we can help in this way. Thank you! (pictures 19-22)

          The months of June and July were very capricious in terms of temperatures. We had strong storms (pictures 23-24), but also hot days when, in order to withstand the heat, we organized a "beating" with water (pictures 25-26) and picnic outings in the orchard (pictures 27-31).

          Housework continued its course, regardless of the weather, because each season has its challenges, so we started with compotes, jams,  linden flowers, beans, solar maintenance, sorting potatoes, mowing, gathering etc.(pictures 32-39)

          The room of the old house had to be renovated because the ceiling was very low, there was a danger of collapse. And this aspect has been successfully completed. (picture 40)

          The cow we just received in April, delighted our hearts with a very beautiful calf. Now our farm has 6 head of cattle. (picture 41)

          We conclude by introducing you to the celebrations of the two months, namely :) Gheorghita. He was the only one celebrated in these 2 months, but whenever he mentioned with great enthusiasm that it would be his birthday, until that day came, we had the impression that we had birthdays every day. :) (pictures 42-44)

          We leave you well and we hug you dearly, hoping that we will find ourselves well at the next report. God bless you!

