Event in April 2018
Because the feast of death and the resurrection of Christ was the central subject of April, we want to salute you wholeheartedly with "Christ resurrected!” We strongly believe that this greeting is valid any day of the year.
On this occasion the children prepared a poem that they presented at the Betel Church and the Philadelphia Church. Through their singing they have brought much joy and revival to many souls! (1)
The crafts of this period, like nature, was marked by the coming of spring. Here's what the children have done. (2,3)
Certainly this year of Easter, the children were traditionally feasting Romanian food! They did not lack on their table cakes, pasta, bohemian salad, dyed eggs, stuffed eggs, minced meat croquette, schnitzels, meat balls rolled in cabbage leaves etc. We do not mention that, not to make you hungry, but some photos, we'll show you :) (4-7)
Yes! Even in April we enjoyed cold snow! The "snow hills" left in March have allowed us to play with snowballs. :) (8,9)
However, the joy of the snow was over quickly, because the "joy" of preparing the vegetable garden took its place. Everyone with their own forces or motorized forces, we managed to plant almost everything we needed: onions, carrots, beans, parsley, corn, beets etc. However, the children knew how to make a good time out of this activity! (10-12) Of course the spaces with ornamental flowers and the orchard have not lagged behind and they also received the proper care. (13-15)
After so much involvement in household chores, of course our youngsters were also rewarded: with rollers, soccer, walking ... they had a really relaxing time on the Easter holiday. (16-19)
Also, in April, children attended certain school competitions: Elena and Cristina took 1st place in a contest with the theme "Earth Days” and Madalin took 4th place within a competition for "Small Firefighters”. We are proud of their results! (20,21)
On the lessons of music begun by children, in April they began to practice on the piano the learned theory. Some of them are very receptive and do very well. Soon we will have some famous singers among us :) (22,23)
Vasilica needed to go at the dentist. He will have to make more visits until all his problems are solved, but at least he started! (24)
As far as the animal farm is concerned, we also have some news here: our goat flock has multiplied, a pig has needed injectable treatment, we have purchased 20 turkeys and 40 chickens and we have received as donation 10 ducks. (25-27)
As for the house, we had to build a fireproof wall (the requirement imposed by the Emergency Inspectorate), we replaced the balustrade from the balcony, which had rotted out of the rain, changed two doors (they were defective, and at one of them, the children broke the window). (28-30)
These are the news of April, as you can see ... quite a lot. Let's hear us well! :)