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Events of June

            Month of June….a long-waited month.

            On June 1st it was the Child’s Day.This day was celebrated together with other 130 children in Izvoare village. All participants has a great time.They sang, listened to a story, played football and other games, had a few competitions, they had lunch together and received gifts. This day will surely remain in their memory.           

            Cristian graduated from elementary school, now entering a new phase. He will be among "the big ones". He managed to enter high school at auto-mechanic profile.

            Petrica and Alexandru graduated high school. Now Alexander will enroll in post secondary school and Pete had to say goodbye to us, as he opted to go to England to a brother of his, Roger, who also grew at Casa Ray.

            And other children have finished school with good qualifications, came home with more degrees and energy, ready for the holidays.

            Because the European standards provide for orphanages that 6 children benefit from a bathroom, we arranged two old bathrooms, and in June we managed to finish them.

            Another great dream of ours was achieved this month.We managed with the help of a specialized company and a family from Switzerland to pave the yard that made us so many problems in the cold, rainy seasons. Now ... all problems were solved: we have no mud, no dust, we no longer have muddy clothes, dirty cars , we're puddles ... We have a wonderful playground!

            Unfortunately this month we also had some less pleasant incidents. Ionut hit pretty bad in one hand and a leg and a nurse had cared for him for several days, Vlad cut to a finger at school and had to be sewn, Costi has sprained his foot, but ... at the end of the month we can say that everything ended well!

            Constantin was the one who sweetened us this month with cakes made specially for his birthday. He turned 14 years old.

            And now,why this month has been so long awaited: Ous Andrusca got married! After a period of almost 2 years of friendship with Ionut, her husband, they managed to take the next step, so on June 26th, they had the civil ceremony at Moinesti, and on June 28th, the wedding in Piatra Neamt.The event was one that brought joy to the hearts of all, it was a spiritual accomplishment of parents and a fulfillment of ANDRUSCA. Now she is happy at her home and she has  already visited us.

            Because ANDRUSCA's wedding was attended also by our dear friends from America, we ended June with a celebration of 20 years of work with children in  Dobreni village. 20 years is a lifetime for some, for others maybe half a life, but for us at Casa Ray, is a time when we fought, we sacrificed, worked, loved, cared , fed some souls who needed us.

            On this occasion we want to thank all those who helped these children only with some words. God bless you for everything!
