Events in February
February ... finally the last month of winter!
February started with a very gratifying event for us. Alexandru, one of our boys, of 18, decided to leave his life led by the example of Christ.
We were very glad when we were visited by Georgeana and Diana, two girls who grew up at Casa Ray. They came to visit his two brothers, Vlad and Cristian, who are still at our center. Georgeana has two girls and Diana has a boy; they came with their children. It was a great joy for all to meet again.
Virus diseases which filled the whole town did not spared us also. Ana and Ciprian have even needed hospitalization, and four other children (Laura, Nicu, Doina Constantin) had treatment at home, barely managing to get over a cold.
For home treatment took care Andreea Manole, our girl who finishes the nursing college this year. And this we enjoy very much, that we can see the results of these years of study.
We have a voluntary of American origin, Rebecka, who comes weekly and teaches the children English. This helps a lot. This month, Rebecka's mother did a very nice surprise for all children. He sent money to Rebeckah mentioning to her to take all the children skating and bowling, then to a pizza. The children were thrilled, for most of them this being the first time.
The persons born on February are Alexandra, who turned 17 and Ionut, who turned 14 years old.
This month we received a donation of cheese from Germany. Our cooks competed and did all sorts of tasty dishes with these foods.
On February 3rd we cut a pig and a calf, to have meat on the table and not only cheese.
February was filled with events more or less different: homework, washing machines, football in the snow, work in the kitchen, various games etc.
Reintalnire cu Diana si Georgeana
Georgeana cu fetele ei
Andreea - asistenta noastra
Rebeck - pregatire la engleza
Aurica - bucatareasa noastra
Pizza cu branza din Germania
Si carne din "ferma" proprie