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Without even realizing, the autumn is finished. Time goes so fast when you are in such a big house as Casa Ray, where all the activities succeed one by one since the early morning until the night.
Luna Decembrie se poate descrie in patru cuvinte: munca, concurs, vizite, cadouri :)
Datorita tuturor pregatirilor pentru sarbatoarea Nasterii Domnului Isus, luna Decembrie a fost presarata cu MUNCA de tot felul: repetitii pentru serbari, curatenie generala in casa, am taiat doi porci din care am facut fel de fel de preparate, am decorat casa si asa mai departe. (1,2)
Dezember kann in vier Worten beschreiben: Arbeit, Wettbewerb, Besuche, Geschenke :)
We can describe December in four words: work, competition, visits, presents.
Luna Ianuarie de obicei este o luna destul de statica. Atat in comert cat si in viata de zi cu zi lucrurile parca intra in repaus.
Asa a fost si pentru noi la Casa Ray. De la aglomeratia si agitatia lunii Decembrie am sarit direct intr-o luna “calma si relaxanta.”
January is typically a rather static month. Both in trade and in everyday life looks like things get a rest.
So it was for us at Casa Ray. From the bustle and agitation of December we jumped into a "calm and relaxing" month.
Januar ist in der Regel 1 Monat eher statisch. Sowohl im Handel als auch im Alltag, scheinen die Dinge auszuruhen.
So war es für uns in Casa Ray. Von der Hektik und dem Trubel im Dezember sprangen wir in einem "ruhigen und entspannenden" Monat.
Luna Februarie a inceput intr-un mod foarte placut pentru copii, cu o vacanta de o saptamana. Copiii au profitat din plin de acest timp liber avand activitati care mai de care mai diverse. Bineinteles, s-au ocupat si de temele pentru scoala, dar intr-un ritm mai lejer. (1-12)
February started in a very pleasant way for the children with a week long vacation. The children enjoyed to this the fullest this time and had a lot of activities. Of course, they also did their homework but in slow motion. (1-12)
Februar begann für Kinder in einer sehr angenehmen Art und Weise, mit einem Ferien für eine Woche. Die Kinder nutzten diese freie Zeit mit Aktivitäten, die mehr oder weniger vielfältig sind. Natürlich behandelten sie auch die Hausaufgaben für die Schule, aber in einer entspannten Tempo. (1-12)