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… “truly this is a house for those who do not have a house, a family for those who do not have a family.” This is not what we say, it’s the testimony of so many kids who already left the house and now they have had integrated into society finding a purpose in life.
Account holder: Association ACCMA Betesda Maranatha.
Kontoinhaber: Verband ACCMA Betesda Maranatha.
Sitz-Adresse: str.Ion Ionescu de la Brad 33 G, Piatra Neamt, Judetul Neamt.
Titualar cont: Asociatia ACCMa Betesda Maranatha.
Adresa sediul social: str.Ion Ionescu de la Brad 33 G, Piatra Neamt, Judetul Neamt.
Cea mai mare fata s-a născut la data de 04.05.1994, iar cea mica s-a născut la data de 03.02.1998 in localitatea Targu-Neamt.
Ele provin dintr-o familie legal constituita, ulterior dezorganizata prin divorţul părinţilor. Cei doi soti s-au despărţit in anul 1995, pe cand tatal executa o pedeapsa privata de libertate pentru furt.
Mihaela Anton was born at the 4th of May 1994 and Anton Alexandra was born at the 3rd of February 1998 in Targu Neamt.