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May - June 2023


           We hope that the news from Casa Ray and Casa Tatiana will make you happy, even if they are sent late. The multitude of documents, responsibilities, controls, activities often prevent us from being up to date with the information, but we thank you for your permission.

          The month of May started with gardening. The cold lasted quite a long time, so it was only in the middle of May that we could plant in the garden and in the solarium, cleaning the yard and planting ornamental flowers was also done around that time. (pictures 1,2,3,4).

          In May we had two unfortunate events. Mirabela and Cosmina received the sad news that their mother was found dead. She had been missing since Christmas and only now was she found floating on a lake near their house. From her disappearance until finding out the news, the girls often talked about it and kept saying that they hoped not to receive bad news, unfortunately it was not as they hoped. May God comfort their fragile hearts. (picture 5)

          The second sad news is that Gheorghita had to go through an operation to remove his polyps and tonsils. He was brave and his recovery was quite fast. The operation was performed at the Hospital in Suceava because there I found a doctor available to perform the operation. We hope that from now on a difference would be noticed and that he would not get cold so often. (picture 6,7)

          Regarding the facilities, we have started the renovation of the food block at Casa Ray. The tile installed 20 years ago has started to come off the wall, so it requires an urgent intervention. We have started with the demolition for now. (picture 8). On the farm, we repaired the damaged walls and extended the running water network to the goats and the orchard. (picture 9), we started a shelter for pigs (picture 10,11), we started the construction of a gutter to catch all the large volume of water flooding the yard (picture 12), we built several fireplaces for the water network and placed the garbage in a platform to use it later as fertilizer.(picture 13)

          With the coming of June, we also started collecting hay for cows (picture 14), picking plants for tea - acacia (picture 15), awe bought new animals on the farm, such as ducklings, ducks, turkeys, quails, bunnies (picture 16,17), we also cut from the existing animals, pigs, chickens and roosters (picture 18,19,20), we sent the goats to the barn and they have already sent us the cheese (picture 21)…. a continuous dynamic.

          At the same time as the coming of June, still on the first day of the month, we celebrated "Children's Day". Through the meal chosen by them, through going out into the city, through activities organized by the school in Dobreni, through activities organized by the Pentecostal Church... so the celebration took place over "3 days and 3 nights" like in fairy tales J (pictures 22-26)

          Another important point of June was the completion of school. ALL our children graduated in the 2022-2023 school year. Many of them filled their files with the diploma. (picture 27)  On the other hand, those in the final year prepared intensively (picture 28) for the final exams (4 for the professional school exams and 3 for the baccalaureate).

          Other activities from this period were: helping a poor Roma community, (picture 29), a movie night (picture 30), beating with water and bathing in a barrel (pictures 31,32), different games (picture 33).

          The last aspect refers to the anniversaries. Two in May and one in June. Cosmina and Elena were our birthday girls and they turned 17 and 18, respectively. (pictures 34,35)

          The June anniversary, June 29 to be exact, refers to the 30th anniversary of the Bethesda Maranatha Association, within which the two family-type houses we have operate, namely Casa Ray and Casa Tatiana. We thank God for his care towards us in all these 30 years. If it wasn't for Him to watch over us and give us what we need, we wouldn't have succeeded. We thank God and for father Mihai Gavril, the founder and President of this Association, who tirelessly, together with the mother, for 30 years took care of the smooth functioning of the entire activity.

          It was definitely not an easy job and the emotions, the pains, but also the joys were often at their highest. We thank God for leaving him among us to teach and guide us so that we can carry his work forward. We wanted to give him due honor on this anniversary and declare him Honorary President. We leave you some images from which you can feel the festive atmosphere that we had. Happy Birthday to us! :) (pictures 36-50)

