Casa Ray...

           ... Truly a home for the homeless, truly a family for those without family. We do not tell this, but the testimony of many children who have already left the center and were integrated into society, finding a purpose in life.

          Children's life story began just not pleasant. Childhood which for most people is a beautiful memory, for them meant something else: violence, crime, separations, deaths, hunger, cold, lack of harmony in the family. At Casa Ray, they found something else: instead of violence, they received comfort, instead of crimes, they were surrounded by love ... they found what they lacked most: family and home!

          Besides all that the body requires- food, clothing, a warm bed, etc., they have found what they lacked most, God, who is the Father of orphans.

June and July 2024

          In the following, we present to you a glimpse of our life from the months of June and July, the end of the school year and the beginning of HOLLLLYYYYDDDAAYY!!!!

- June 1, Children's Day: Meeting at Izvoare with the children from the Elim Pentecostal church, visit of Mrs. Stoian with the group from Iasi, outing in the city, (pictures 1 - 4)

- birthdays: Ramona, Iulian, Rares, Gheorghe, Petronel and Alex, (pictures 5 – 6)

- household and recreational activities, (pictures 7 – 15)

- barbecue together with the Elim Pentecostal Church, (picture 16)

- end of the school year, graduations, freedom for vacation, (picture 17 - 19)

- 3-day trip to Bucharest, the capital of Romania, the first time for all children:

April and May 2024

          Good to see you again! We hope you are well and healthy.

          At Casa Ray and Casa Tatiana, things do not stand still, even if it seems that way due to the breaks between communications. We bring you news from the months of April and May and we hope to be able to run with time and get up to date with the information.

          We will be short and schematic, as we have been used to lately:

- Excursion with children and employees to Red Lake and Izvorul Muntelui Lake (pictures 1 – 5),

- Worked in the garden, planted flowers, planted raspberries, purchased chickens for eggs and meat, slaughtered a pig, new member of the cattle (pictures 6 - 12),

- household activities (pictures 13 – 19),

- Easter celebration (pictures 20 – 33),

February - March 2024

             Time passes, the days fly by and you see that we are barely "visiting" you with information from the months of February and March. We promise you that we will be short and schematic:

- Gifts and clothes from America - thank you Heisey and Dolha (picture 1,2)

- Donated food received - thank you Penny and Pascal Prod Com (pictures 3-7)

- New washing machines - thank you Heisey and Dolha (picture 8)

- Water softening systems - thank you Heisey and Dolha (pictures 9,10)

- Trip to Bacau (pictures 11-14)

- Speech therapy with 6 children – thanks to Kinder-und-Behindertenhilfe (picture 15)

- Visit to the old mother, her 88th birthday (pictures 16, 17)

December 2023 - January 2024

          The period December 2023 - January 2024, also called the period of the winter holidays, made our hearts happy this time as well. A lot of work, shopping, cakes, rehearsals, celebrations, gifts, caroling, so that we can enjoy the Born of Jesus this year as well. (pictures 1-5)

          Thanks to the vacation that the children had, we were able to have more outings outside the house. On December 1st, the children celebrated Romanian Day at School, and we took them to see the military parade in the city center, then we served a meal at McDonald's and then we went with them to visit their relatives. We also went with them to the ice rink, for a walk and caroling in the park, to meet other young people, on a "tour" with the bobsleigh in the mountains and the older ones on the Cheahlau mountain. (pictures 6-13)

Octomber - November 2023

          The months of October and November were marked by activities specific to autumn (pictures 1-18), but besides these usual activities, we had other more important events.

          One of the events would be the fact that Laura, Mirabela and Ionela decided to publicly confess their faith in Jesus. May the covenant made in front of the seen and unseen witnesses keep it sacred all their lives. (pictures 19-21)

          In November, the Bethesda Maranatha Service Complex, with the Ray and Tatiana Houses, opened its arms to five more brothers. Alexandra (15 years old), Natalia (14 years old), Petronel (11 years old), Rares (9 years old) and Iulian (7 years old). We hope that their accommodation will be quick and that their years will heal quickly. (pictures 22,23)

July - September 2023

          Welcome, dear ones!

          The summer has passed by and we are already close to the middle of autumn. The events at Casa Ray and Casa Tatiana are taking place with such speed and "flow" that with long delays the information reaches you.

          At the beginning of July in Romania, some very unpleasant situations were discovered in some nursing homes, so strict controls were imposed throughout the country for all institutions that offer social services to the elderly and children, so we were also "visited" by 12 people from 6 institutions, who asked us for hundreds of documents and imposed dozens of measures to implement. This explains the super crowded period that followed and is still not over.

          In addition to the controls, we are still in the process of obtaining the license at Casa Tatiana, as well as a lot of documents for building expansion, ISU authorizations, sanitary reauthorizations etc.

          We are looking forward to the day when we say: "Today we have no document to prepare", but that day is probably part of a fairy tale :)

          So, briefly, schematically, I will present to you what happened "At home"”.

May - June 2023


           We hope that the news from Casa Ray and Casa Tatiana will make you happy, even if they are sent late. The multitude of documents, responsibilities, controls, activities often prevent us from being up to date with the information, but we thank you for your permission.

          The month of May started with gardening. The cold lasted quite a long time, so it was only in the middle of May that we could plant in the garden and in the solarium, cleaning the yard and planting ornamental flowers was also done around that time. (pictures 1,2,3,4).

          In May we had two unfortunate events. Mirabela and Cosmina received the sad news that their mother was found dead. She had been missing since Christmas and only now was she found floating on a lake near their house. From her disappearance until finding out the news, the girls often talked about it and kept saying that they hoped not to receive bad news, unfortunately it was not as they hoped. May God comfort their fragile hearts. (picture 5)

March - April 2023

          Good to see you, dear friends!

          After the long winter we had, the long-awaited spring finally came, the calendars we saw it until the middle of April, because the low temperatures were present and were even accompanied by a snow like in stories. (pictures 1,2)

          The snowdrifts in Neamt County, as big as in the middle of winter, were rather detached from the horror stories for drivers stuck on the roads, but…with God’s help, we managed to admire the spring flowers until the end of April. (pictures 3 – 5)

          Due to the low temperatures, gardening was also postponed. We pulled the garlic out of the weeds and dug up the trees at the root. (pictures 6,7)

          Unfortunately, we cannot use the solar at the moment as it needs to be repaired because a strong storm destroyed part of the "roof". (picture 8)

January - February 2023

          After the winter holidays, with the hustle and bustle of those days, with rich meals, we felt the need to escape into nature, to breathe fresh air into our lungs, to contemplate the new year that lies ahead,so together, young and old, on the second day of the year we climbed Mount Cozla, where we enjoyed a beautiful time. (pictures 1-6)

          The festive atmosphere continued because of the days off, the vacation, the guests who visited us, the children who went to visit other families, because of going to the skating rink and to McDonald's, because of sledding, the Dodita brothers got together and climbed Mount Ceahlau, the Matei brothers visited their mother whom they had not seen for 3 years etc.(pictures 7-18)

          Also from the category of relaxation activities, we can mention the outing that the children made to Margineni, the realization of manual work activities and "working" with snow :) (pictures 19-25)
