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Vacaru family

            Vacaru Laurentiu, the father in this family is a well known unemployed alcoholic and the mother has been diagnosed with a mental deficiency with relational dysfunctions.

            Because of this situation , the children have been neglected and left unsupervised. The living conditions were inhuman , they all  lived in one room so the space was not enough for 6 people and that room was far from clean. The only income was the mother's illness pension of 370 ron and the children allowances.

            In the same yard , there was the house of the maternal grand parents Damian Toader and Damian Didina who didn't want to get involved in the raising of the children under the reason that they are old and sick.

            Vacaru Antonio was born on the 4th of May 2001, Doinita on the 8th of January 2003 , Nicu on the 19th of December 2004 and Laura on the 27th of September 2010. They had one more brother, but by negligence he was run over by a car and died.

            The youngest girl, Laura, said the she really likes living at Casa Ray because she has a lot of toys. She said that at home she only had one yellow teddy bear but she could not play with it because it was hanged at the light bulb.She also likes it because it's warm, at her home it was cold as outside. She said that whenever her mother had hallucinations she used to kick her out and she remember the cold time.

             Doinita remembers that she always had to watch closely on her mother because  she used to bury the money from the pension and not remember after that. Doina says that when she will be big she wants to go back home and help her mother.

             Antonio is very talkative , Doina is a very good cook, Nicu has a huge appetit and Laura is a spoiled princess...

