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Iulie si August, doua luni binecuvantate! Momente de bucurie, momente de incercare, dar cu siguranta clipele de bucurie au primat.
July and August, two blessed months! Moments of joy, moments of trying, but definitely the moments of joy took precedence.
At the end of June, we had the great joy of seeing our old friends from America, Greg and Anne Heisey, whom we hadn't seen since 2019. At the same time as them, our friend from Germany, Michaela Khulman, also visited us. (pictures 1 – 4)
Der Juli und August waren zwei gesegnete Monate! Momente der Freude, Momente der Prüfung, aber sicherlich haben die Momente der Freude gesiegt.
Septembrie si Octombrie, luni frumoase de toamna, pline de bogatie si multumire.
September and October, beautiful autumn months, full of wealth and contentment.
September und Oktober, schöne Herbstmonate, voller Reichtum und Zufriedenheit.
Liebe Freunde von Casa Ray
Un nou an plin de binecuvantari, va dorim tuturor!
Suntem restanti de anul trecut cu informatii despre doua luni, Noiembrie si Decembrie 2022.
We wish you all a new year full of blessings!
We are overdue from last year with information about two months, November and December 2022.
Liebe Freunde
Wir wünschen Ihnen allen ein gesegnetes neues Jahr.
Dupa sarbatorile de iarna, cu agitatia si aglomeratia acelor zile, cu mesele imbelsugate, am simtit nevoia sa evadam in natura, sa tragem aer proaspat in plamani, sa contemplam la noul an ce ne sta in fata, asa ca impreuna cu mic si mare, in a doua zi a anului am urcat pe Muntele Cozla, unde ne-am bucurat de un timp frumos. (pozele 1-6)