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Event in August and September 2017

          Bustled by the turmoil of daily activities, time has gone unimaginably and with rapid steps we have stepped from summer to autumn. The holiday is over and the school has begun, the intense green of the trees has left the warm autumn colors and so we are passing the years and we are flying.

          The passage of time has set footprint in these two months also over two brothers, Florin and Vasile, who turned 15 and 12 years respectively, and over two sisters, Dumitrita and Gabriela, who turned 13 and 10 years respectively. The kids enjoyed each other together, played "Happy Birthday," they made wished, they blew candles, took pictures, they laughed in a word, they felt good on the occasion of each anniversary. (1-8)

          The beginning of September also brought great joy to the children because we went to the much-awaited camp throughout the year at Integro, Targu Mures. This year, the factor that attracted the most to Casa Ray children was that we were joined by other youngsters, with a total of 80 people. They tied tight friends, socialized, competed, learned, praised God together, spent a wonderful time! Besides this, the children also had a surprise: at the end of the camp we visited the zoological garden from Targu Mures, where they could see the rarities that he had never seen in their lives. This camp has had a positive impact on them and that whenever a very beautiful thing reaches the end, wishes and thoughts go to the next year when we hope to go back to that dream place. (9-28)

          Just two days after we returned from camp, school started! “Mountains "of requisites," hills "of clothes, shoes, stooges, flowers, all were prepared in time for the beginning of the school. Now the children are already tired of homeworks, they even started to receive notes and look forward to Christmas vacation J (29,30) This year Laura (31) went to school, and Doinita and Florin at high school. (32,33)

          The autumn brought with it specific activities such as food preservation, vegetables and fruit harvesting, wood supply, granary filling etc. (34-42)

          During this period we also enjoyed Maria, one of our girls who is now established in Iasi and who chose to spend with us a week of her leave. She works as a nurse at the hospital in Iasi at the neurosurgery department. (43)

          Last but not least, we want to thank God and the people who have shown their concern over Casa Ray these days: to Irish friends who donated our food (44), to friends in America who offered children the memory-sticks, very useful now, when school began (45), friends of Romania who donated us cereals (46,47), friends in Germany who made a great surprise and bought for children a minibus and a trailer which we will receive in the next period (in the July report we said we had problems with the blue minibus) (48).

          The problem of 44% funding has not yet been solved ..... we have not yet found a replacement to take up this issue on a monthly basis, but thank God for people who have filled in some of our deficit in August and September. God should reward you and we ask you to help us in our prayers to solve this great problem.
