Event in January 2016
It's not the way we imagined we will begin the informing for the first month of the year, January... but as life is always filled with unexpected events, so it happened also in our case.
But the strong blaze we've been through hasn't prevented us from praising God which, although He allowed this trial, gave us many blessings ,has taught us many lessons and reinforced our faith that we are not alone, but there are many which love us and ready to put their sholder in building the future for the children from Casa Ray.
Pictures from the fire I'm sure you've seen enough and are not nice to watch, so it's better to just praise the Lord together that none of our children were phisicaly harmed (pictured from Alexandra to Vlad)
The day after the fire we had to repair the roof of the laundry room in a hurry, as it was affected by the fire, as a blizzard began. Also, the same kind friends from church helped us to fix and restore the laundry room, without which would been very hard to go on with our activities (a part of the laundry rooms ceiling had fallen). (pictures 22-23)
After the weather began to warm up a bit and the snow melted, we managed to gather some of the polystyrene and trash that flew through the yard, cleaned the thick mess that was on the pavement and loaded about 5 trailers full of ashes remaining from the hay and clothes that were burned. (photos 24-30)
The next step was to get "scrap" from the rubble and to capitalize. The resulting amount from saling the iron will cover the expense for 2 cubic meters of GAS. We are satisfied of even this beginning (pictures 34-31)
Regarding the children, they continued their daily activities exactly as it was before the fire. They enjoyed their last days of holiday, got ready for school and enjoyed the last snow flakes. (pictures 35-37)
The first goods donator after the fire was a 80 years old widow, which faced blizzards and came from a 30 km distant to bring a bag of flour, one corn flour, some beans for the children and a bag of corn for the animals. After her others followed, that blessed us with clothes, shoes from Marelbo, food, 8 chikens, cereals and even a pig.
I'm sure God saw every gesture, no matter how small it was and reward it at the right time, as He is the defender of the orphans and puts great price on the care you showed for this chlildren. (pictures 38-45)
The beginning of the year started with left for Constantin as well, who broke his hand when playing football, and for Cristian who was scratched into a rusty nail. Fortunately the recovery went well, with no complications, and now these events remained only a memory. (46,47 photos)
At the workshop already begun to emerge spring flowers. The children are working on the trinkets that they will offer to their teachers on March. (pictures 48,49)
The years pass...Cristian, which was 3 years old when he came to Casa Ray, turned 15 in January. Along with him, also celebrated their birthdays in January: Doina turned 13 years old and Ciprian, 12 years old. (picture 50)
At the end of the month we had a meeting, commemorating the events of this month (51,52 photos) and we glorified God together with the children for the miracle that He made for us: we are all alive, that most of the animals were saved, because the fire took place on the day light, the heating wasn't affected, because the main building of Casa Ray was not affected, because we were able to continue our activities unhindered and because we have you that LOVE US!