
Events in May

          In a house where many children live, no month can pass without different events, some pleasant, others less pleasant.

          May began with a pleasant event. We were invited to a church in Bacau. The city Moinesti is not unimportant for us, because is the place where Andrusca will spend the next few years, where she will live with her future husband. The children were very excited to visit Andrusca's next home.

          On our way to Bacau, we had the opportunity to see the house where one of the children, who is now at Casa Ray, lived. He lived in unimaginable conditions, but we are glad that now he has a different life.

          The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 10th of May were anniversary days at Casa Ray. Vlad, Antonio, Mihaela, Costi and Elena were "guilty" for the cakes of this month.

Events in April

          April was a very eventful month!!

         Since the beginning of the month we have seen an improvement in children's behavior. They gave their best to behave nicer to each other, but they have a lot of work in this respect, and besides this, they are interested in doing what is pleasing God. This can only make us happy!

          We are very satisfied that the children are interested in going to contests and extra curricular activities. They brought home lots of diplomas. Dodita Vasile is a very good poet and he took a diploma at school for composed poems.

          Cristian and Doina are two kids very hardworking. Because of this we thought to reward them buying them new clothes and shoes and we did this to spur others to follow their example.

          Unfortunately Constantin did not feel too well this month and had to go to hospital, where he remained hospitalized for several days. Thank God it was nothing serious and is now home with us.

Events of March

        This month has been a very pleasant event, which was really a first for Casa Ray. Andrusca (23 years), "our assistant", got engaged! The boy is from a county near us, Bacau, is a faithful boy; they really love each other and are happy together, and we also glad for them. Andrusca is a very special girl who deserves to be happy, and we are happy for her because she found fulfillment in this area.

         It is a great joy to raise a child from the age of 9 years and to be able to be there for him at this important event in life. The wedding will take place on June 28th.

         At the engagement 21 people took part , including: representatives of churches the two belong to,  Ionut's his parents (the groom) and two of his brothers, some children who grew up at Casa Ray and are now at their homes, all our family of course and the children from Casa Ray, who sang and rejoiced with Andrusca.

Events in February

          February ... finally the last month of winter!

          February started with a very gratifying event for us. Alexandru, one of our boys, of 18, decided to leave his life led by the example of Christ.

          We were very glad when we were visited by Georgeana and Diana, two girls who grew up at Casa Ray. They came to visit his two brothers, Vlad and Cristian, who are still at our center. Georgeana has two girls and Diana has a boy; they came with their children. It was a great joy for all to meet again.

         Virus diseases which filled the whole town did not spared us also. Ana and Ciprian have even needed hospitalization, and four other children (Laura, Nicu, Doina Constantin) had treatment at home, barely managing to get over a cold.

         For home treatment took care Andreea Manole, our girl who finishes the nursing college this year. And this we enjoy very much, that we can see the results of these years of study.

Events in January

We all, the employees, the volunteers and all the children of Casa Ray, entered the new year good, healthy and cheerful.

The first day of the year, high school students have spent the New Year's Eve in their families. There they played games and had some interesting discussions, and counsel from a girl who grew up here at us, but now she has her own family.

We did not have much snow this winter, it snowed a few days and melted very quickly. However, when it was snow, children took advantage and played with great pleasure.
