Events in July and August
Warm greetings, dear friends! We hope you are well and your health has not left you.
As for the children and the staff at Ray House, God protected us in these 2 months, July and August, and all the tests that were performed regularly, had a negative result. Thank God!
One of the things we missed A LOT due to this pandemic was the visit of friends from America. Year after year, we had an indescribable joy when we spent about 2 weeks together, but this year we missed those beautiful moments. However, we had a small part of that happiness, when Jim sent us a short video in which he told the children how sorry he is that we can't be together, a video to which he attached some photos taken together in 2019. Thank you VERY MUCH Jim for the beautiful surprise! (picturea 1 and 2)
And… because God is sovereign, he arranged things in such a way that each child could read a personal letter from a member of the American team. In fact, these letters were sent to Ray House before the pandemic began, but because not all the letters had arrived, we waited, because not all the children were home, then we waited, because we were busy with the Christmas celebration 2019, then we waited some more… and… so the year 2020 was made and the pandemic came. Taking advantage of the fact that our friends were not physically with us this year, we "sweetened" a few lines from them. Thank you very much for your care… the children were very excited! May God reward you! (pictures 3-6)
Even though the restrictions continued to be quite strict for the children at Casa Ray, and the contact with those outside was limited to the maximum, we took advantage of the beautiful summer weather and made several outings in nature, which brought relaxation both physically and emotionally to the children. (pictures 7-12)
Because our garden has been quite fruitful and God has blessed us with other people and with other goodies, we had to get down to business and prepare supplies for the winter: beans in the freezer, raspberry jam and syrup, plum jam, tomato juice, apricot jam, apricot and plum compote etc. (pictures 13-18)
Regarding the farm: We managed to complete the fencing of the property, thus limiting the access of foreigners, who were used to serving from our orchard as from their home J Also, our cows graze safely in a fenced perimeter. (pictures 19, 20)
We also managed to renovate the cowshed and arrange a room to raise broilers and egg hens, a purchase we have already made, 100 broilers and 50 eggs. (pictures 21-24)
Otherwise… the animals develop, we gather the hay for the winter, we reconditioned the lighthouse, we prepared the wood, everything is “in the program”. (pictures 25 – 30)
The activities of the children near the house were as diverse as possible, such as: creation, work, play, learning, birthdays etc., only Costi and Florin went for a while to visit some friendly families, where they will stay until the beginning of school. (pictures 31-42)
Hygiene standards, temperature monitoring, disinfection, also continued, things we are already used to. (pictures 43,44,45)
Last but not least, we want to thank Kathia from the bottom of our
heart for not forgetting about us and sending us some clothes, even if during this period almost all things have to be done differently :) . (picture 46)
Thank you for your time reading these lines and thank you for joining us.… We are going through this difficult time for everyone, with an uncertain future, with shortcomings, but we have all the confidence in God that he will help us to be more than victorious in everything. We hug you!