Event in December 2017
Dear ones,
With the passing of December, the year 2017 has also passed. It was a blessed year and it has been deprived of unpleasant events, with the exception of Vlad`s loss and also loss of part of the financial support. We know that God is in control of all things and we want to thank Him for this!
December was, as usual, a month loaded with work and events, but all was done
with joy in the hearts, so it was a nice time. We think the images can describe better
than the words the December's atmosphere so we want you to enjoy with us some pictures:
- decorating the rooms and the house, (1,2)
- purchasing a new generator for electricity, (3)
- reconditioning doors, (4)
- Nicu Vacaru’s anniversary - 13 years old, (5,6)
- flood in the boiler room, (7)
- meat from our own farm, (8,9)
- receiving visits of several groups and our dear Mihaela, (10-16)
- intense preparations for the Christmas meal, (17)
- program for Christmas at the church, (18)
- to the caroling, (19,20,21)
- Christmas Feast at Ray House with colleagues, friends, employees and volunteers, (22-26)
- gifts for all children, (27-29)
- because the kids were so blessed, in their turn, they made gifts for other poor children in the village, (30-32)
- the children spent one night in a home of a family, at a time, divided into four groups.(33)
We want to thank you all for your engagement in 2017.
If you have not listened God's call to help Casa Ray, it would have been very difficult for us to survive, and those wonderful children we care about, could not have progressed in any way.
Your help really makes the difference in the life of Casa Ray children's home and we wish wholeheartedly to have you with us on our road in 2018 as well!
Many blessings!
With all our love and respect,
Casa Ray Team