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Event in November 2016

            Without even realizing, the autumn is finished. Time goes so fast when you are in such a big house as Casa Ray, where all the activities succeed one by one since the early morning until the night.

            We thank God and to all the warm hearted people who donated to us this month, all kinds of vegetables and cereals for the animals. We want to underline again that all these aids are very useful to us because they cover a lot of our needs. Thank you again!! (1-5)

            Last month we were very glad to announce Denisa's coming to our home and this month we have other 2 new-comers: Dumitrita ( 13 years ) and Madalina ( 9 years ). Now we have 21 children.

           Dumitrita and Madalina even if they are only 9 and 13 they could write a book regarding their lives. They grew up in a disorganized family and they have 6 more brothers (with different fathers ). Their mother is an alcoholic and their father is dead. They have been at Casa Ray for 2 weeks now and they have adjusted very well .They are pretty good in school and they are well behaved. We are very glad that we have them and we hope that we can make their life better. (6, 7)

           It is the time when the Christian Churches celebrate Thanksgiving so we all went to Cozmesti to the local church, and we want to thank them for hosting us and for all the groceries they donate us! (8)

           The creation group is making more and more art items with Catalina. It is a great pleasure to watch them make amazing things with their own hand. At school, they are about to finish the first semester so they have a lot of homework and projects which they do with pleasure... sometimes... (9-12)

           Regarding the new constructions we can say that we are ready for the coming of the winter:

-the roofs are finished (1),

-the windows and outside doors are finished (2),

-the plumbing and the heating pipes are finished with the exception of the heating system room which will be done next year, (3,4)

-electrical, thunder and smoke detection installation are finished, (5,6)

-the smoke detection installation was also done in the building where the children are living (7,8)

-the garage is finished. (9)

          Now we will go on with the interior finishes. Anyway, thanks to your help we have managed to do in a year more than we have ever hoped. May God repay you fully for your warm heart for the orphans!

