Events in July and August 2016
We know that many of You have asked why You have not received any news from Casa Ray for some time, but ... as usual, there is an explanation JIt was vacation time, so now we come with new information for the months of July and August!
We start with birthdays that we've had, because since the first days of July we had Andrea's anniversary, who turned 18, than, on 22nd of July, Alexandru turned 20, then followed Vasile's birthday, who turned 12, Ionel in August turned 13 and last but not least, at the end of August we celebrated father Mihai, who turned 66 years with the Lord's help. Each anniversary is an occasion for celebration at Casa Ray, children enjoying every sweet they receive extra! (1-5)
These celebrations were not the only joys of the month. 6 of our youth went to a camp at Voronet, along with other 70 young people. This camp was organized by the Baptist Church. You realize that our young people felt very well surrounded by so many new friends.(6, 7)
For those left behind not to feel neglected, we decided to make them a surprise and we went with them to the Hippodrome in Piatra Neamt, where they experienced for the first time in their life what riding means.They're very excited, even though they had some mixed feelings of happiness but also fear. (8,9)
Then there was a time not too pleasant for us, we might even say it was a painful moment in which we had to break up from two girls, Andreea and Alexandra, who we've looked after for 14 years. They finished vocational school and their wish and decision was to take their lives into their own hands. We advised them to remain, to continue other forms of education, but the temptation to experience new things was higher, so they left.
Andreea went in Negresti village, which is very close to Dobreni and lives with her boyfriend Andrew. Meanwhile she was offered a job in a cafeteria in Piatra Neamt. Alexandra decided to go to live with her mother, who four years ago sought her for the first time after a period of 12 years, when nobody knew anything about her existence. We keep further contact with them and wish them all the best. (10-13)
The void left by the girld was filled for three weeks by a 5 year old boy named Robert. He comes from a broken home with many issues, quite complicated. Because of the documents that have not been completed, he had to go back in his native village until everything related to paperwork is completed, then he can be a part of the family in Casa Ray again.(14)
To the delight of children, we've received from Germany 4 bicycles to replace those that have caught fire, plus several boxes of linens. The smile of the children can best describe the feelings of their hearts! (15)
Because so is life full of ups and downs, and our news are also diverse, one black one white. Regarding the joy of children, which they had when they received the large pool from Germany, this joy did not last long. Being a large volume of water, we filled the pool with water from the well, only ... it made green in 2 weeks. We threw the water and filled it again, and unfortunately we had the same result. Anyway ... the children had four weeks in which the cooled off J (16) Of course, the pool was not the only way in which they recreated this holiday. They had activities that were very diverse. (17-20)
We managed to fill the 2 huts of wood, now we feel more prepared for winter that will come. (21)
At our farm, things are good, we “lost” two pigs, but we gathered three cows, so birth defeated. One cow was named Roberta, after the new member of Casa Ray. (22-25)
From vegetable garden, to our delight and satisfaction, we started to reap the fruits of our labor. We have a good feeling when we eat with ingredients grown in our garden. (26-30)
The new construction works have stalled in July because we had to wait some permits, but in August we can say that we recovered the time lost. Now we work hard to the laundry, so we can complete it before school starts, so access to children's clothes be much easier. A great man who was with us from the beginning, after we had the fire, helped us and now he has mounted the tiles in the laundry for free. Surely God sees and will reward him! Our boys also were deeply involved in the new building, where they could. They are very keen to give a helping hand and also to experience new things.(31-38)
Last black news is about Antonio, who had a medical problem serious enough. He had an ear infection that has led him almost to surgery, but God was merciful and he was cured after hospitalization and treatment with antibiotics. (39)
And to finish the information in a positive way, in August we received several visits from children who grew up at Casa Ray and now are gone: Georgeana together with her 3 little girls visited us, Petrica also visited us and Andreea came to us, even if it had been just a month since she gone. We've been blessed also by the visit of a family in Switzerland, Daniel and Ruth, with whom we spent two special days. (40-43)
Events very different, full of joy and full of sadness, all these form the charm of Casa Ray.
Thank you for joining us!