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Because the feast of death and the resurrection of Christ was the central subject of April, we want to salute you wholeheartedly with "Christ resurrected!” We strongly believe that this greeting is valid any day of the year.
Das Fest vom Tod und der Auferstehung unseres Herrn Jesus Christus stand im Monat April im Vordergrund. Deshalb grüssen wir Sie von Herzen mit „Hristos a înviat“ – auf Deutsch: Christus ist auferstanden. Wir glauben, dass dieser von Christen an Ostern zelebrierte Gruss an jedem Tag Gültigkeit hat.
Frumoasa luna Mai si-a pastrat si in acest an farmecul! O luna de primavara placuta si relaxanta.
The beautiful May has also kept its charm this year! A pleasant and relaxing spring month.
Vrem sa incepem prin ai multumi lui Dumnezeu pentru ca am parcurs jumatate din anul 2018 fara evenimente majore neplacute, in pace si bucurie. Slava Lui!
We want to start by thanking God for having gone half of 2018 without major unpleasant events in peace and joy. His glory!
Liebe Freunde
Wir sind dankbar und möchten Gott loben, dass wir die erste Hälfte des Jahres 2018 in Friede und Freude - ohne grössere unangenehme Vorfälle - verbringen durften.
Luna trecuta a fost o luna prielnica pentru recolta, cu caldura si ploi suficiente asa incat la inceputul lunii Iulie am avut deja legume in gradina, solarul arata destul de bine, cartofii si porumbul de asemenea, ce sa mai vorbim, o priveliste placuta si un inceput promitator. De asemenea o parte din fanul pentru animale a putut fi recoltat cu usurinta, spatiile verzi au fost ingrijite corespunzator etc. (pozele 1-5)
Last month was a good month for the harvest with enough heat and rains, so at the beginning of July we had vegetables in the garden, the vegetables solarium looks pretty good, the potatoes and the corn, too, a nice view and a start full of hope. Also a part of the grass for animals was easily harvested, the green areas was properly maintained, etc. (pictures 1-5)