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Event in August 2019

          The last holiday month has passed so quickly ... as one day passes. It is now August 1st and we immediately woke up and said: it's the last day of summer!

           However, our young people have taken full advantage of these days, going some of them to a camp at Voronet and another part to a camp at Bicajel.  Here they gathered beautiful memories, new friends, good teachings, intense experiences ... only good to make them very melancholy and unwilling to start school. :) (picturea 1-6)

          While the big ones were away in camps, at home there remained a small group of small children who enjoyed all the attention and space we have. The whole yard and all the toys were theirs. Gheorghita enjoyed less, because after an incident at the swing he had to stay 2 weeks with his hand in the plaster. (picturea 7,8)

          Our boys and girls, coming from the camp with fresh forces, started working with us, so in a short time, we set up everything we had to do: the hay is in its place, bean pods from our own harvest filled a refrigerated box, cucumbers from their own production have found their place in jars and now they are picking, also the tomatoes from our own production "turned" into a delicious tomato juice, the plums from our own harvest have also become a delicious compote, the woods for the winter were also cracked and put back in place and last but not least we needed help at the office. We are glad that we only have hard-working girls and boys, ready for life in all aspects. (pictures 9-19)

          The changes at the farm are not missing this month: 2 piglets have found shelter in our barn, 2 piglets from the Romanian Mangalite breed. (picture 20)

          Let's not forget the holidays of August: Vasile, Ionel and Dumitrita, all three recent graduates of the secondary school. We pray that the Lord will bless them with a long and happy life, but before that, with great wisdom, they will make the best decisions for their lives. (picture 21) Ionel together with his sister, Cristina had a surprise this month when they received the visit of an uncle and an aunt. They were very happy about this visit they received because it rarely happens that they receive visits. (picture 22)

          We left the thanks in the end, not for another reason, but to end in a positive way.

          Thanks to the friends from Suceava, who have blessed us with cereals this year. May God reward them with their deed good and so useful to us.! (pictures 23,24)

          We also thank Kathia from Germany for not forgetting us and she has blessed us with very beautiful clothes for children. We pray that God will reward her for her beautiful deeds. (picture 25)

          We also thank Ionela's "godfather" , who sent her a little attention on the occasion of her birthday. The joy in her heart could be seen on her face. :) (picture 26)

          Last but not least, we want to thank those who have been involved in the renovation of the one-room-flat, where Alexander will live. The steps taken are some significant ones, which is why we can only thank you from the heart for your effort and say a blessing with all your heart! May God fill tenfold the void left by your donation.! (pictures 27-33)

          Thank you from the heart and we hug you with love!

                    Casa Ray Team

