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In a house where many children live, no month can pass without different events, some pleasant, others less pleasant.
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Iunie….o luna care a fost mult asteptata!
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Month of June….a long-waited month.
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Monat Juni….ein Monat, der lang erwartet wurde.
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New PageLuna Iulie a fost o luna cu multe evenimente care au adus bucurie copiilor.Prima bucurie a fost pe 4 iulie, un tort maaaare din care s-au saturat toti cei prezenti. "Vinovate" pentru aceasta bunatate au fost Andreea(17 ani) si Catalina(una din nurorile familiei Gavril).Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageJuly was a month with many events that brought joy to the children.First joy was on July 4th, a big cake from which all those present ate. "Guilty" for this kindness were Andreea (17 years) and Catalina (one of the brides of Gavril family).Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageDer Monat Juli war ein Monat mit vielen Veranstaltungen, die Freude zu den Kindern gebracht hat.Die erste Freude war am 4. Juli, es war ein grosses Kuchen, von dem alle Anwesenden gefüllt haben."Schuldig" für dieses gute Kuchenwaren Andreea(17 Jahren ale) und Catalina( eine der Bräuten der Familie Gavril).Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageLuna August: ultima luna de vara si ultima luna de vacanta. Nu am lasat-o sa treaca oricum!“Stiind” ca vara aproape a trecut, o pisicuta nazdravana si-a bagat ghearele in piscina care a inveselit copiii in acest sezon. Acum…adio piscina…o sa vedem cum rezolvam problema vara viitoare.Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageAugust: last summer month and last month of holiday. We did not let it go anyway!"Knowing" that summer is almost over, a mischievous kitten has stuck her claws in the pool that cheered up the children this season. Now ... farewell pool ... we'll see how we'll solve the problem next summer.Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageAugust: der letzte Monat des Sommers und der Ferien. Wir ließen ihn nicht sowieso vergehen!Link to delete content:Link to edit content: