Semantic Views demo

Mihai Slavu

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"I'm so glad I grew up in Casa Ray! I'm glad I was educated there and that I could become a MAN in this life. "

Events in January

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We all, the employees, the volunteers and all the children of Casa Ray, entered the new year good, healthy and cheerful.

Events in February

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          February ... finally the last month of winter!

          February started with a very gratifying event for us. Alexandru, one of our boys, of 18, decided to leave his life led by the example of Christ.

Events of March

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        This month has been a very pleasant event, which was really a first for Casa Ray. Andrusca (23 years), "our assistant", got engaged! The boy is from a county near us, Bacau, is a faithful boy; they really love each other and are happy together, and we also glad for them. Andrusca is a very special girl who deserves to be happy, and we are happy for her because she found fulfillment in this area.

Tulbure Alexandru

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         Alexandru...Alexandru is a child with many qualities: first, he is very industrious, happy to help at all housework, both in the house and outside. And he does not do it anyway ... but responsibly and well! He has a very generous heart ... quite often, things for which he raised penny by penny to buy them, gave them unreservedly to others.

Evenimentele lunii aprilie 2015

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          Luna Aprilie a fost o luna chiar plina de evenimente!

          Inca de la inceputul lunii am vazut o imbunatatire in comportamentul copiilor. Ei si-au dat silintele sa se poarte mai frumos unii cu altii, dar mai au mult de lucrat la acest capitol, si pe langa aceasta, sunt interesati si de a face ceea ce este placut lui Dumnezeu. Acest lucru nu poate decat sa ne bucure!

Events in April

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          April was a very eventful month!!

         Since the beginning of the month we have seen an improvement in children's behavior. They gave their best to behave nicer to each other, but they have a lot of work in this respect, and besides this, they are interested in doing what is pleasing God. This can only make us happy!

Veranstaltungen im April

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          April war ein sehr ereignisreicher Monat!

          Seit dem Anfang des Monates haben wir eine Verbesserung im Verhalten der Kinder gesehen. Sie gaben ihr Bestes netter zueinander zu verhalten, aber sie haben in dieser Hinsicht zu arbeiten, und außerdem, sind sie daran interessiert, zu tun, was Gott gefällt. Dies kann uns nur glücklich machen!

Evenimentele lunii mai 2015

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          La o casa unde sunt multi copii, nu poate trece nici o luna fara multe evenimente, unele placute, altele mai putin placute.

Veranstaltungen im Mai

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        In einem Haus, wo viele Kinder sind, kein Monat ohne irgendwelche Ereignisse, einige angenehme, andere weniger angenehm, vergehen kann.
