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Stiam ca prima luna de toamna, Septembrie, va fi una incarcata, dar ne-am asteptat sa fie chiar asa de plina! Partea frumoasa este ca a fost plina doar cu evenimente placute, exceptie facand terminarea vacantei si inceperea scolii, dar cu timpul, cu siguranta copiii isi vor da seama ca si a fi educat e un lucru bun!Link to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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We knew that the first month of autumn, September will be busy, but still ... we never expected to be quite so full! The beauty is that it was filled only with pleasant events, except the end of the holidays and starting school, but with time, certainly children will realize that to be educated is a good thing!
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Wir wussten, dass der erste Monat des Herbstes, September arbeitsreich wird, aber immer noch ... wir nie erwartet, ganz so voll! Das Schöne ist, dass es nur mit angenehmen Ereignissen gefüllt wurde, außer vom Ende der Ferien und der Anfang der Schule, aber mit der Zeit, mit Sicherheit,die Kinder verwirklichen werden, dass erzogen zu sein, eine gute Sache ist!Link to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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Octombrie…luna roadelor bogate!
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Oktober - Erntedankfest
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October…rich fruit month!
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New PageSe apropie iarna cu repeziciune, asa ca nu e timp de stat!Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageWinter is fast approaching, so it's not time to sit!Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageWinter nähert sich schnell, also ist es nicht Zeit zu sitzen!Link to delete content:Link to edit content:
New PageDomnul a dat si Domnul a luat, fie binecuvantat Numele LUI!Link to delete content:Link to edit content: